Saturday, May 30, 2009

the end of a trek....

It has been over five months and I cannot believe it has really gone that fast. I am leaving next Sunday and it has yet again, been a growth period here but in the same breath, amazing. It will be strange to be back in America and Idaho. It is always hard to say good bye and I will miss the boy terribly and all of my friends here. I have learned some hard lessons and had some amazing moments that are written across my heart forever. This last week is a little crazy and I cannot believe that in one week, I will not be waking up to someone remonting, someone yelling in russian outside my window and cold showers...shashlevo...

Monday, May 4, 2009

answers in Norway

I had to get out of Ukraine for a little while. We have a week long break and being there was starting to wear on me. I threw this trip together within a matter of days and it has been the best thing. I was ready for more adventures and time away. I flew in to Torp last Friday waited two hours for a little train to the next town where my hotel was. I got there and wandered around and had one of the best burgers that I have ever had from a pakistani resteraunt. I found my hotel and fell asleep. Woke up and found my ten hour train to stavanger. The countryside is so amazing here and I am so glad that I came. I finally got off the train and met my dad's cousin and his family. My sisters and I are almost all norweigan and it has become increasingly important for me to know about where I came from. There is something magical when that happens. As it turns out, we think my father has a half brother here that we have never met. The pictures of him look so much like my dad and the details fit. I sat down and spent a good hour talking to my grandmother's only living sister and got details. I had a thousand questions. It filled in a lot of gaps and the details helped to explain some things. I am going back there today to talk with her while my second cousin's family is at work and school. We went out fishing on the North Sea yesterday and took Siri, their youngest child with us. It was so awesome to be on the water. It is hard though, because there are three little girls here that are so amazing sweet but they do not speak any english and only norweigan...and guess who does not speak any....yep me. Anyway, stay tuned for details and photos.....