Saturday, March 14, 2009

I suppose.......

that I should write. It has been a crazy week. We had mid-terms and I am just thrilled that they are over. We have another month and then I will have another week off. I am excited. The sun showed itsself two days ago but today it is pouring rain. I went to get pizza with my friend Julia and then we went and got all of my other little errands done. She is wonderful. :) I met up with Yura a Friday night and we talked for a long time about us. I am really in love and I feel like I have met my match. We match each other on intellect and the chemistry is definitely there. He asked some hard questions though like would I leave him and go back to America? It proved to me that he had thought about us. I understood everything that he said in Russian and I really just need to get busy reviewing russian. I went to two out of four lessons. The Ukranian roots are still there so I have a good foundation. On a final, I spoke to the doctor and the shots that he has prescribed me to give myself are a medicine that I have allready taken in America that did not work. I e-mailed him my x-rays and he has not responded. I have been researching bone graft sites and healing time and have not found much that is helpful. I am still praying about that one. Pictures soon as I am buying my new camera tonight...and I promise to update more...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Will I get to meet this "match" of yours? hehe That's a good sign that he has been thinking of you, too.

Praying for this medical condition and that you can get something that works.