Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the last day of 2008....

On this last day of 2008, I am reflecting back. There were so many good things that happened. We closed on the two and a half year long battle with the insurance companies and I was able to close the chapter with a good feeling, I aquired a new job and friends for life at citi and also accepted another job to start teaching back in Kiev, Ukraine in January. This year has been a far better one than the prior ones before that. I am excited on what the future holds and cannot wait for 2009. Happy New Year everyone!!! :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

phase one completed..........

These last weeks stressed me out way too much...but I am safe and sound at my parent's house now. I have a packed car sitting outside, covered in snow, but did get the apartment in Boise packed up and all of the loose ends tied up there as well. It is bittersweet. I so will miss everyone in Boise but am so excited to spend time with my family and then go on to Ukraine. I am ready to start teaching, tattooing and working with my kids at the day shelter (I so miss them and my boys who tattoo). I am ready to be challenged again with the Russian, lesson plans, learning the tattoo ropes and finishing a second BA (this time in Bilingual Ed). It is time to soar and I could not be more ready for the next chapter...:) happy holidays everyone....

Monday, December 8, 2008

less than one week..........

I am officially unemployed but loving it. The next month is going to go so fast. I had a great send off from my last job this past Friday. There were so many good people there. I will miss them a lot especially the crew from training. I have pictures to last me until I come back to Boise in July. I met up with Candice for sushi and walked around the mall with her new puppy. We had so much fun and this week is a constant reminder of how quickly you can become close friends. I finished the night off with dinner with the Fullers. I love them and have been there since Ayla was born. She is now in seventh grade and her mom is like my sister. It is another memory to be stored in my heart for when things get deep in Ukraine. I am slowly checking off things on my list. I have a haircut, packing and a talk with a local tattoo artist on the books tomorrow. It is going way too fast but I am ready for the next phase......

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the first one.........

So many have asked that I start a blog so that they can follow my adventures in Ukraine and beyond. Follow my journey with me.............