Monday, February 23, 2009


of my friends from America have written and said they were worried about me. I am okay. It does take a thick skin to live here in the beginning. I am learning to make routines and am finding out what I need to be happy and who I want to be. Life will forever remain a journey and you have your good days and bad days where ever you may be. I got back from Pryluky yesterday and taught for eight hours after a three hour marshrootka ride. I was so exhausted and then Yura wanted to meet. I ended up falling asleep, not meeting with him and slept most of today. I have to go teach tonight and I think that meetings with friends will be reserved for days off. On the flip side, Pryluky was amazing...but cramming so much into two days was exhausting. It was really good to see everyone and catch up and as it turns out, I have a bit of a fan club there with the men who play volleyball with Sveta (my friend). :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Man, your schedule is making me tired! I am glad that you are doing well and since your days are this full, I think that's a good idea doing things with friends on your days off. I would have fallen asleep,